
Spring Club Meeting

This event is held on the 3rd Sunday of May from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.  This is a social meeting and normally a meal is served by the Board of Directors.  It is customary for members to bring firearms and firearm related items to display and sell inside the Clubhouse.

Fall Club Meeting

This event is held on the 3rd Sunday of September from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.  Club Officers are elected during the Fall Club Meeting.  Club Officers are President, Vice-President, and Range Officer.  After elections it is customary to have a meal prepared by a local vendor.  Similar to the spring club meeting, Members will have firearms and firearm related items displayed for sale inside the Clubhouse.

Informal ATA Style Trap

This event is conducted every Sunday (weather permitting) from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.  The trap end time varies.  While trap is being shot, the Rifle Range is open.  However, rifle shooters are not permitted downrange without first securing a cease fire and confirming a cold range from the Trap shooters.

On the last Sunday of each month, the public is invited to shoot trap with the Crawfordsville Gun Club Members.  A fee of $5.00 will be collected from each non-member shooting Trap or observing the Trap Shooting.  The cost per round of trap is $4.00.  You will need to provide your own shotgun, shells (shot size 7.5 or higher), hearing protection, eye protection, and anything else you might need to shoot Trap.

Informal Rimfire Benchrest

This event is conducted most Thursday evenings from approximately 6:00 PM until dark, and again on Sunday mornings from approximately 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.